Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm a Monster

Recently, Landon has discovered he can make a monster noise with his voice. It is hysterical. I've been trying to get it on video, but every time I press record on my camera he stops making the noise. I will try again tomorrow.

Landon is getting up on his knees now all by himself and rocking back and forth. I bet he will be crawling by the end December. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. I want him to stay as my little baby forever.

Monday, December 7, 2009

6 month check up

Today was Landon's 6th month check up. I can't believe how old and big he is already. He was in the 90th percent tile for height (28 inches) and 72nd percent tile for weight (18.6 lbs.).

As you know, the hardest part of the appointment are the shots. This time there were 3 and boy did his little face turn from happy to in pain within a matter of seconds. Oh it breaks my heart. My poor little boy.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I Love leaves

On the day Daddy decorated the house for Christmas, I decided to rake the leaves and take photos of Landon laying in them. I think they turned out pretty good. Granted I am no Anne Leibovitz, but I think they are perfect.

Playtime with Mommy!

I really cherish the weekends because I get to spend the whole day with Landon. It is nice to take a break from the "daily grind" and have some baby time. We play everything from peek-a-boo to upsee-daisy-downsee-daisy. (which he loves by the way.) I try to take as many photos as I can to show the joy in Landon's face. He loves his mommy time.

Landon's First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year was at our house with the Cook's. We fixed a Thanksgiving feast...homemade stuffing, masted potatoes, green bean casserole, honeybaked Ham, Turkey and more. I think we had enough food to feed 20 and there were only 8 of us. Oh well, more leftovers for us. ha!

Landon was such a good boy, he actually slept the whole time we at dinner. Which that was a first for him. He had a little of Thanksgiving food...sweet potatoes and green beans. He loves his sweet potatoes.

After dinner we made a fire and sat in the living room enjoying our first Thanksgiving as a family. This year we had so much to be Thankful for!!