Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Finally on Video

I finally got Landon smiling on video. He truly is the cutest baby.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Poop, Poop and More Poop

The other night I woke up to a funny sounding noise. I got up out of bed turned on the hallway light and to my surprise Wrigley was sick and had pooped all over the hallway rug. I thought to myself, thank God it was not in the living room. I turned on the dining room and kitchen light to start cleaning up the mess and saw that more poop was all over the floor. Wrigley had stepped in the poop and was walking through the house.

Meanwhile, Landon was in his crib crying non-stop because I thought he was hungry. I continued to clean up the poop and then grabbed Landon to feed him. Turns out he had pooped in his diaper and had a blow out. (All the mom's know what I am talking about.) More poop of course that I had to clean. UGH.

I cleaned up Landon and then sat down to feed him. I thought about how lucky I am to be a mom and have these wonderful experiences to share with my husband and son...when he grows up.

Landon's crying ... more to come later. Hope you are enjoying your day Daddy!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Photos for My Daddy

Hi Daddy - Sorry Mommy has not blogged recently. She has been busy taking care of me. Here are some new photos for you. Love you and can't wait to see you!

Oh, one new milestone...I held a rattle for the first time on Tuesday!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Father's Day Daddy!!! I LOVE YOU!! FROM YOUR SON LANDON.

Mommy took me to McDonalds Nursery today, your favorite place. I can see why it is your favorite place...so beautiful and peaceful. Mommy made me play photo shoot in the flowers and it made me so tired and mad. Sorry I am asleep in all the photos.

PS. She also put me in the new baby bjorn...It's pretty comfy.


Friday, June 19, 2009

2 Week Check Up

Landon had his two week check up today and the doctor told me he is perfectly healthy. (The words every parent wants to hear.) He is in the 90% tile for height and weight, in other words a big growing boy! He is 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 22 inches. I can't believe how big he is getting. His next appointment is not until Aug 3rd. I feel as if it is an eternity away. I am sure I will worry that I am not feeding him enough and judging by how big he is already, he is getting plenty.

After the doctors, grandma Cindy took us out for lunch. It was Landon's first lunch date and he slept the whole time in the restaurant. I guess it was a good thing because then I could eat.

Here of course are some new photos for Daddy! WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PJ Day

Who loves to be in their PJs all day?? Landon and Mommy!! I was so tired today and did not want to do anything, so we made today (which is my birthday) PJ Day. Landon and I stayed in our PJs until 4 pm. It was great. We watched movies, laid in bed, and slept.

After awhile of feeling like a total bum I decided I should probably do something to celebrate my birthday, so I had my friends come over for dinner. My mom had made homemade Mac & Cheese and ham. It was yummy.

I have discovered that Landon LOVES HGTV! Right now he is sitting the boppy watching Income Properties. Maybe he will be a carpenter when he grows up?

PS. Landon has been smiling so much more today. Hurry up Daddy and come home!! We miss you!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shop 'Till I Drop...Well Sleep.

Today was a big day for Landon. We took Landon to the mall today for a little shopping and he basically slept the whole time. The only time he was awake was in the car on the way to the mall. He was wide awake in the car and was wondering what the heck was going on. When we got to the mall I put him in his stroller and he immediately passed out. We shopped for 5 hours and then went home so Landon could relax some more.

Funny part of the day...I gave Landon a bath for the first time...(daddy normally does bath time but since he is gone mommy had to step up.) So I washed him, dried, wrapped him in his towel and then heard BLAAAAA! Landon had an explosive poop in the towel and all over me. He must have known that daddy was not here to make his bath time perfect. Oh Landon I still love you even though you pooped all over Mommy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Umbilical Cord is GONE!!

It was a big day for Landon...his umbilical cord fell off in the morning!! When it fell off I freaked out a little and ended up calling a friend at 8:00 am to ask if it was normal for his belly button to still look a little weird. (Which it is normal.) His belly button looks so much better. It's a lot easier to dress him and change his diaper. I don't have to worry about it anymore.

We got out of the house today for the first time since his first doctors appointment. We went to grocery store down the road. Landon of course slept the whole time, so he probably did not even realize we left the house. Tomorrow we are going to go shopping...I wonder if he will sleep the whole time while Grandma and I shop.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm going to be a TOP GUN PILOT

Grandma just showed up and Landon is finally awake. Of course it is 10:00 pm and he is wide awake. We decided to watch some TV hoping it would spark an interest with Landon...Guess what is on? TOP GUN. Landon has been fixated on the TV...won't take his eyes off of the movie. I think he is really going to be a Navy Pilot just like his daddy. It is probably just the fact that he recognizes the flight suit. (ps. he is also wearing his airplane pjs.)

Sleep All Day...Up All Night

Today, Landon has been sleeping all day and you know what that means...He is going to be up all night. It seems like every other night he is up at 1:00 am to 5:00 am. Landon was up for a little bit and the little bit he was up we watched Win a Date with Tad, played in the bouncy seat and on the activity mat.

Grandma Cindy is coming to town today to help out while Daddy is gone for the month. Landon is excited to see his Grandma. He had on his "I love Grandma" onesie, but peed on it before she even had a chance to see it. It will be nice to have some help around the house while daddy is away.

About Us

Recently, the new love of our life, Landon Lee, entered this world on June 4, 2009 at 1:57am. From the minute he arrived we knew he was perfect. Both Mommy and Daddy knew there will be a long road ahead of them, teaching right from wrong and all the ins and outs of life.

This blog is a journal of Landon's life for his daddy who is deploying with the Navy in October 2009.